This was difficult for me to write/draw. I wanted to get across what a tragedy this is. Mark was such a good, nice man with two young children. All he cared about was creating great, enjoyable toys for children and raising his family. But as I wrote this I kept getting madder and madder.

You see, when I was laid off from K’NEX the people who I worked with, people who kept insisting I was a friend NEVER reached out after I was let go. They couldn’t be bothered to text, e-mail or call to see how I was. It began to dawn on me that they weren’t friends at all. But, though that bothered me, I just put it out of my mind. Until I heard about Mark’s passing.

Mark had bee ill since last spring and none of my former co-workers, people who had insisted we were friends, while I worked there, couldn’t be bothered to reach out to me and tell me of Mark’s situation. I would have loved the opportunity to at least get a chance to talk to him, at least once more before it was too late.

I’m probably coming off as selfish here, but I can’t help it. When it comes to dealing with K’NEX and my former co-workers anymore, I guess I’m not big enough to just let it go.