Being a sports fan can be harrowing. I know, intellectually,  that “my” team losing should have no effect on my life. But damn if it doesn’t shatter my mood.

I’ve stated elsewhere that I’m a huge fan of history. Since watching Ken Burns documentary of The Civil War initially, years ago I’ve since gotten the DVD and have watched it again. Flipping past the PBS station tonight and seeing them air it, I just naturally had to watch it, again.

This isn’t the first time I’ve talked about this documentary in my comics. From  7/13/2010 here’s a comic where I discuss the show and draw some of the figures of the war.

And here’s a comic, in three parts, from 8/7/2010 where I travel to nearby Gettysburg and from 8/8/2010 where I explore the area.

Wow, looking at those old comics from 2010…. my artwork has really grown, if I must say.