In the comic, at the end, I mentioned that I wound up illustrating all of the “Cops ‘n Crooks” second year package fronts (blister card & vehicle boxes) despite Marketing and the Art Department choosing to have the first year artwork done by Neal Adams Continuity Associates. From the moment I’d started to work on this project I knew I could illustrate what they wanted.

So, once the models for the second year figures were available,  one weekend I took one of them home, got a large cold press board, ink and a bunch of Dr. Martin dyes and did it. I drew up, inked and painted this piece (unfortunately I don’t have a color copy) and that Monday morning I took it into the Art Department’s manager’s office, placed the board on his desk and said, “See, I can do it.” A pause… “Yes, you can.” he said.

I not only got to create a lot of cool illustrations for the second year packages, but I saved Hasbro some money too, by them not having to pay Continuity Associates for more artwork.

One day I should draw a comic about this story.