Yes, I have described my save-a-buck chocolate bunny searches immediately following Easter in past comics.

My First search on 4/5/2010.

My First time coming to terms with bad tasting chocolate on 4/25/2011

Buying bunnies in the year I was still in a relationship on 4/10/212 

Stocking up on chocolate bunnies while preparing for a colonoscopy on 4/1/2013

Buying these bunnies despite what other shoppers might think of me on 4/22/2014

Chocolate bunnies and working on an interview thank you card on the same day on 4/18/2017

Since I wasn’t living at my own house I couldn’t store the chocolate in a fridge on 4/2/2018

Melting chocolate in my car before I could get the bunnies home on 4/22/2019

An extra batch of bunnies in 2019 on 5/25/2019

Buying chocolate bunnies during a pandemic on 4/24/2020