I hope I don’t come off as a whiner or a complainer here. Sure, I’d LOVE to have a lot of readers every day, but there’s only so much you can do to drive them here and to keep ’em coming back. I guess generally what I’m responding to here most is, the few people who have asked me why my comics are sooooo far behind. Well, unless you have a time machine there’s no possible way to have several weeks of comics done ahead of time to give you a buffer and there are just too many of my notes, of days that I’d like to draw, that I don’t want to skip ahead. (and perhaps most of all, I’m such an anal completest. When I was a comic collector, I was obsessed with getting every issue of a book’s run that it also seems to pertain to my comics. I’m obsessed with completing every day.)

Well, I promise to not have another comic like this in the future, where I complain about not getting my comics done on the. And if I happen to break that promise, that comic will probably be months behind anyway.