Has it really been that long? I’m not sure what amazes me most, that Linus and Lucy, who’ve been relatively healthy this entire time, and have been in my life this long or that I’ve been drawing/writing these comics so long that I can link to the comic I made on that March 6, 2011. *

Yes, the day I brought the kittens home I called my parents to tell them. On that day I spoke with my dad. He soon became ill and would go into a nursing home. I was going to drive back to visit and spend time with him when he passed away before I could get there. So I never got a chance to talk with him again.

If you wish, you could go to those comics I made that month to read the whole story, if you haven’t yet.

  • – I’m always taken aback when I look at my older comics. If you go to that link you’ll note that my drawings were much cruder and less confident, I had a LOT of text in those comics and would often make multiple comics for a day entry, like I did on that March 6 of 2011.