Yeah, I’m angry in this comic.

During the dire times of the pandemic last year when businesses, like fast food restaurants, had to cut back hours or shut down entirely, all I heard from the vocal right wing pundits was how “Nobody wants to work anymore.” or “All they do is sit at home doing nothing, collecting money.” Are there lazy people out there? Sure. Are there people who tale advantage of situations? Yep. But that’s a small minority. The bulk of the people, and that includes me, WANT TO WORK!

The money I get for unemployment doesn’t come close to paying my bills because unemployment money is NEVER the same salary you made while working. It doesn’t come close. Add the additional cost of health insurance which used to be included in your worker’s salary/benefits and it’s a VERY far cry from just sitting around at home collecting money for doing nothing.

Being unemployed is NOT a paid vacation.