Now, I understand that someone who’s been with the company for a long time may find some of the training projects we went through today as dull and routine. But for those of us just getting their feet wet with Desigo and all of the procedures it’s very helpful.

The bowling group activity was fun. Lots of snack foods and pizza and the first two drinks (beer or alcohol) was free.

For the get to know you game, yesterday everyone had to give the instructor something that we’ve done in the past. He printed up and handed everyone a list and during the evening we were to go round and try to match up the unknown fact with the person we thought had done it. I had submitted: “Started working at Hasbro toys the week they began Transformers.”

By the end of the evening most of the matches on the list were made and when people had found out I’d worked for Hasbro well, some of them were mighty impressed.