It wasn’t a good news day today. First, I still don’t know how those yellow jackets are getting in here and where they’re coming from. But they’re back again. Also, the ants. Usually they start showing up in my kitchen, especially around the cats food, in the spring. Why they’ve waited until September, I don’t know. But they’re back.

So, one of my two job opportunities is gone. To be fair, it’s not as if I LOVED that position at Rolf Glass, far from it. But it was one of the few job interviews I’ve had since I was laid off in February and I thought I presented my self and what I can do and bring to a job quite well on Monday. Oh well. I guess I’m lucky that I didn’t go ahead and hire an exterminator. With my current job prospects now cut in half I don’t want to make any outlandish expenses right now.