
That word just about sums up, not only today, but many of the days that I’ve had to work on this iMac at American Textile Company. I’m not saying that they should have provided me with a brand new Mac, of course not, but you would think, well before I started here, that they’d have debugged this machine. It’s gotten to a point that I feel as if I’m working on a time bomb. That just before I go to save my Illustrator file, I wonder; “Will it go off now? Will I lose all the hours of work?”

I didn’t get out of the office until just before 9:00 and after spending a few minutes visiting my mom at that dump of a nursing home, finally got home for dinner just around 10:00. If not for the constant crashing (and lost work) I’d have been home hours ago.

#%@!!#*@!!! Annoying!