When I was in high school (grades 10-12) I had the option of taking regular art classes along with my college prep courses at my school or spend half of the day at Vo-Tech School in Commercial Art Classes. I chose that.  It was a smart decision, on my part, because at the time, I’d learned a lot of what you needed to know to work at most studios, agencies and companies. Of course, this was years before the desk top computer took over.

Those who chose to go to Vo-Tech were students from school districts from all over the county. I was from the Norwin School district and Greg was from Belle Vernon. We became quick friends, since we had a lot of similar interests (art, comics & sports). We also went to The Art Institute of Pittsburgh after graduation, though I didn’t see him much there.

I probably last saw him in the early 1980’s. We fell out of touch for awhile but thanks to Facebook, though we were living thousands of miles away, we were able to communicate much like we had, decades earlier.

I was shocked and sad to hear of his passing. Much, much too early for a nice guy like Greg.