Now before anyone says anything, I agree. The rezoning of that 1.1 acre area in our neighborhood would damage everyone’s property values and that’s a BAD thing. But, what I observed from those two residents and what I tried to get across in the comic was, all that mattered to them was how it affected them. They didn’t care how it affected the other ten home owners, or their children who rode their bikes on these streets and played on them as well. To them, this wasn’t a “Neighborhood”. A place where people plant roots, live and raise families. Nope. To them the only people who mattered in this situation was them. The fact that they were “Trumpsters” was no surprise. When it comes to selfishness they’re at the top of the list.

As for the man who owns that 1.1 acre piece of land and paid for the rezoning request not even bothering to show up? You got me.