I’ve become a huge fan of Charlize Theron over the last few years. Sure, it’s easy to be a fan of her from her looks alone, but I’ve been extremely impressed with her choices of roles and her ability to pull them off.

In dramas like “North Country”, “In The Road” and her Oscar winning performance in “Monster” to Action Films like “Hancock”, “Mad Max: Fury Road” and “Atomic Blonde” and in unconventional drama/comedies like this film, her appearances on the TV show “Arrested Development” and in the 2011 film I mention in the comic, “Young Adult”, which you can see my comic review of it from 7 years ago here.

Gotta add this. I read where she went about a steady diet of potato chips in order to gain the weight to play this part. I’m sure that was fun, but now comes the painstaking effort to shed those potato chip pounds. That can’t be fun.