Okay, in answer to what I was inferring to in my review of the film.

  • SPOILER ALERT!!!!! *

In the beginning of the movie Cecilia was sneaking out of her boyfriends palatial estate. She gets out of the house and as she’s driving away a fist smashes through the car window trying to grab her. She floors it and speeds away with an obviously disgruntled person in the background watching her race off. We, the audience, are to assume that’s her boyfriend. As the story progresses and we learn about her relationship with her ex (and we obviously only have her perspective of it) because of some of her actions we begin to question her. Was she really in an abusive relationship or was it only in her head? Well, since we saw her boyfriend attack the car in the beginning of the film, we don’t have any doubts, but-

Imagine if we didn’t see that scene. Then we, the audience, don’t know the real answer.

While this is still a strong, horror film, I think if we had that added ambiguity, was he an abusive controlling freak or was she a paranoid person, it would have added an intriguing element.