I’ll often see or read things based on ideologies that I may not like or agree with, just to see what they’re saying. To see if there may be anything of interest or maybe something I could learn from it. I’d often heard of Rand’s books, specifically “The Fountainhead” and “Atlas Shrugged”. I’d never read either, though I did see the movie version of “The Fountainhead” (from 1949 starring Gary Cooper & Patricia Neal) years ago, I thought I’d give this movie a shot.

Full disclosure, I tried reading  “Atlas Shrugged” years ago. Only got through  a 1/4 of the book before I got so bored I never went back to try and finish.

I had the same reaction with this film. I got so bored with it I won’t be back to watch the other 2 parts of the trilogy cause it’s just so damn boring.